Mount Work Regional Park Draft Management Plan
The draft management plan was developed with input from First Nations, government agencies, stakeholders, interest groups and the public that was received through the initial engagement process in 2020.
The CRD is again gathering input from those noted above. A range of tools are being used to provide information about the draft plan and to gather input on the draft plan. The purpose of this public comment survey is to seek your input on specific sections in the draft management plan for Mount Work Regional Park to assist in finalizing the management plan.
This survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Please review the draft plan and background materials before filling out the comment form.
Surveys received by midnight on May 16, 2022 will be considered, along with input gathered from First Nations, government agencies, stakeholders and interest groups, as we move to finalizing the management plan. The information obtained through the survey is not intended to be representative of the whole population of the Capital Regional District. The comments received will be aggregated and summarized as part of a broader engagement report provided to the CRD Board for information.
Note: This survey is intended to be anonymous and your responses will only be used by the CRD for the purposes of updating the Mount Work Regional Park Draft Management Plan. Please do not provide your name, address or any other personal information that directly or indirectly identifies yourself and/or others.
For security purposes any personal information which identifies you or others will be immediately deleted, once your response is received and processed. No personal information will be used to make any administrative decisions that impact any individuals as a result of this survey. This practice complies with Part 3 – Protection of Privacy of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of this information, please contact Regional Parks Planning, CRD Regional Parks Headquarters, 490 Atkins Road, Victoria, BC at 250.360.3344 or by email.