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street with bike lane; notes on a sign board; crosswalk and parked cars; ideas fair people; street with shared road sign

Survey #2 - Feedback on Proposed Improvements and Recommendations

Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback and insights last summer and fall on the Salt Spring Island Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). We heard from over 155 people at the Ideas Fair last summer and 252 people responded to online survey #1. 

The Active Transportation Network Plan will focus on the walkability and cycling conditions of Ganges Village, where residents have and continue to raise concerns about potentially unsafe and uncomfortable road conditions. Over the past few months, the consultant team has been working on the priority projects within the Ganges Village for the ATNP, which are now ready for public feedback.

Complete the survey below to help the Capital Regional District (CRD) select and prioritize the network and infrastructure improvements. Feedback heard through this survey will help inform the final list of recommendations in the ATNP.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes, and all responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. The survey will be open until 11:59 pm on March 24, 2023. Thank you for your time and participation! Let's get started.

This survey is intended to be anonymous. Please do not provide your name, address or any other personal information that directly or indirectly identifies yourself and/or others. No comments received will be attributed to any individuals and feedback collected will be aggregated into themes for transportation planning purposes. Plans and communications resulting from this survey will be shared with the SSI Transportation Commission and may also be shared with CRD Commissions and Board, and the public.

Watt Consulting Group is conducting this survey for the Capital Regional District. For security purposes any personal information which identifies you or others will be immediately deleted, once your response is received and processed. This practice complies with Part 3 – Protection of Privacy of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Your opinion is also your personal information. This information is collected in accordance with s.26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of informing the SSI Active Transportation Plan. Should you have questions about this research project or the collection of this information, please contact John Hicks, Senior Transportation Planner, Capital Regional District, 625 Fisgard Street, Victoria BC, at 250.360.3305 or by email.