Project Update
Phases 1 and 2 of the planning process are now complete and we are currently working towards the end of phase 3.
Two reports were produced as part of this project's first two phases, including the Baseline Conditions Report and the Engagement Summary. The Baseline Conditions Report includes a detailed technical assessment of Salt Spring's existing road, cycling, and pedestrian networks. It consists of a summary of the key barriers to active transportation and the opportunities for improvement that will be further explored as part of the ATNP process.
The Engagement Summary provides results from the first round of engagement, including the main themes surrounding barriers and opportunities to improve active transportation on Salt Spring Island. It highlights what we heard from all of the engagement activities completed to date, including the Saturday Market ideas fair, the first online survey, an interactive mapping activity, the ASK Salt Spring event, and the meeting with the Salt Spring Island Transportation Commission.
Thank you again to everyone who has provided feedback so far! We appreciate everyone who engaged by:
- Responding to the online survey to answer questions about existing active transportation barriers and opportunities
- Using the interactive mapping tool to identify locations on Salt Spring Island where you would like to see an active transportation improvement
- Sharing an idea for what you would like to see in the ATNP
Consultation has concluded