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Biosolids Beneficial Use: Long-Term Options

The CRD is exploring ways to harness the potential of biosolids, the by-product of wastewater treatment. This nutrient-rich, organic material can be recycled to benefit the community and we are...Read more

Harnessing the Benefits of Biosolids - Virtual Open House
Harnessing the Benefits of Biosolids - Virtual Open House
A virtual open house was held in February 2024 as part of a public engagement process to inform the development of a long-term plan for managing biosolids.
Biosolids Beneficial Use: Long-Term Options
Biosolids Beneficial Use: Long-Term Options
The CRD is exploring ways to harness the potential of biosolids, the by-product of wastewater treatment. This nutrient-rich, organic material can be recycled to benefit the community and we are considering a range of options.