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The Capital Regional District (CRD) Salt Spring Island (SSI) Parks and Recreation Commission (PARC) is developing a 20-year master plan for the Portlock Park site. This project was identified as a priority in the 2019 Salt Spring Island Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan in response to the community’s desire for increased access to recreation facilities and infrastructure development for additional playing fields on Salt Spring Island.
The site master plan will inform a phased capital planning approach for new facilities and program amenities based on input provided from First Nations, key stakeholders, and the public.
The first round of public engagement with key stakeholders and a public survey is now complete and feedback has been compiled to develop three draft conceptual designs.
A second community survey concluded on September 29, 2023, gathering public opinion on three conceptual designs for Portlock Park. Feedback from that consultation has been compiled to develop one draft master plan that will be presented to key stakeholders for comment.
Feedback received on the draft master plan was mixed between user groups with the removal of the oval track of particular concern. The Local Community Commission (LCC) reviewed the draft master plan and heard from concerned users before referring the draft master plan back to staff for further consideration. Additional consultation with key stakeholders including baseball, soccer, pickleball and track users has now been completed. Comments received have been compiled and will be presented to the Salt Spring Island for additional consideration on August 15, 2024.
The Capital Regional District (CRD) Salt Spring Island (SSI) Parks and Recreation Commission (PARC) is developing a 20-year master plan for the Portlock Park site. This project was identified as a priority in the 2019 Salt Spring Island Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan in response to the community’s desire for increased access to recreation facilities and infrastructure development for additional playing fields on Salt Spring Island.
The site master plan will inform a phased capital planning approach for new facilities and program amenities based on input provided from First Nations, key stakeholders, and the public.
The first round of public engagement with key stakeholders and a public survey is now complete and feedback has been compiled to develop three draft conceptual designs.
A second community survey concluded on September 29, 2023, gathering public opinion on three conceptual designs for Portlock Park. Feedback from that consultation has been compiled to develop one draft master plan that will be presented to key stakeholders for comment.
Feedback received on the draft master plan was mixed between user groups with the removal of the oval track of particular concern. The Local Community Commission (LCC) reviewed the draft master plan and heard from concerned users before referring the draft master plan back to staff for further consideration. Additional consultation with key stakeholders including baseball, soccer, pickleball and track users has now been completed. Comments received have been compiled and will be presented to the Salt Spring Island for additional consideration on August 15, 2024.
The Capital Regional District (CRD) Salt Spring Island Parks, Arts, Recreation and Culture (PARC) has developed three conceptual design drafts for the Portlock Park Master Plan following input from community consultation phase 1.
The survey is now closed. Responses to the three conceptual designs will help inform the final draft designs, which will go to the Local Community Commission (LCC) for approval.
If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please contact:
Dan Ovington, Manager, Parks and Recreation Services
The Capital Regional District (CRD) is seeking public input as part of its work to develop a 20-year site master plan for Portlock Park. The site master plan will inform a phased capital planning approach for new facilities and program amenities based on input provided from First Nations, key stakeholders, and the public.
This survey is now closed.Results will be used as a reference to develop three draft conceptual designs for additional feedback.
If you have any questions please contact:
Dan Ovington, Manager, Parks and Recreation Services
Gather background information and prepare for engagement.
Public Input
Portlock Park Master Plan has finished this stage
Public survey and engagement with key stakeholders.
PARC Review
Portlock Park Master Plan has finished this stage
Present the public survey results to PARC for review and ask for additional comments to incorporate into conceptual designs.
Conceptual Designs
Portlock Park Master Plan has finished this stage
Prepare three conceptual designs which incorporates the inputs from the first phase of Community Consultation.
Public Engagement
Portlock Park Master Plan has finished this stage
Gather feedback on design options through public survey, meetings with First Nations, key agencies and stakeholders.
Draft design
Portlock Park Master Plan is currently at this stage
Compile feedback from second phase of community consultation to inform one draft design for additional key stakeholder consultation.
LCC Review
this is an upcoming stage for Portlock Park Master Plan
Incorporate final comments into final draft and develop cost estimates. The LCC will consider public feedback analysis and costing as part of its final review and approval on the design.
Final Master Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Portlock Park Master Plan
After LCC approval, post the final master plan and final report across CRD platforms.