Tier 2: Out-of-region compliance options

Constitute measures that the CRD will utilize to ensure regulatory compliance is continuously achieved while the Tier 1 thermal processing option is being implemented and when options in Tier 1 are unable to process the totality of biosolids produced in the region.

These are (in priority order):

  1. Industrial land reclamation such as mine and quarry sites (acknowledging that some reclaimed sites may eventually have a pasture land end use)
  2. Forest fertilization
  3. Production of biosolids growing medium and/or feedstock in soil production
  4. Partnerships with established biosolids programs
  5. Continue alternative fuel combustion in the cement manufacturing facility in Richmond, BC. Prioritize this option when available.
  6. Explore partnerships with additional industrial partners interested in combustion.
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The public feedback period is now complete.
