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The 2023 Arts Champions Summit is a wrap!
80 people attended in person and many more online. There was a tremendous level of engagement. Many new connections were made and new paths forwards for the Arts and Culture Support Service were explored.
A huge thanks to Brianna Bear for providing a traditional welcome, the presenters for bringing forward their Game Changer projects to share with the sector, and to Marianne Alto for emcee-ing the event. Also a big shout out to the Baumann Centre for hosting the event and being so thoughtful in helping the CRD organizers weave accessibility into as many facets of this Summit as possible.
On this page, there are now photos posted of the event (thank you to our volunteers photographers, Dan Russek and Matilde Cervantes Navarrete) as well as the PowerPoint, including the presenters' slides.
Staff will be reviewing and compiling all the input from the engagement activities at this event, as well as the online survey, into the What We Heard Report. To follow the next steps of the engagement, follow the main Get Involved page for Developing the CRD Arts and Culture Strategic Plan.
Consultation has concluded