Operating Budget

The operating portion of the 2024 preliminary budget pays for the expenses required to advance Board strategic priorities, including labour, supplies, programs, services and repayment of debt for major projects.
CRD Operating Overview (PDF) *amounts rounded up to nearest $M
Additionally, the following Board Directed Initiatives were approved during the provisional review:
- A one-time funding increase for the Alliance to End Homelessness for the continued support of operations through 2024
- A three-year renewal fund for the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness
- Amendments from the Electoral Areas Committee on October 23, 2023:
To reduce the requisition for 2024 in the Nuisances & Unsightly Premises Service by $5,000, funding instead from operating reserve.
To reduce the requisition for 2024 Elections Service by $25,000.
The following Board Endorsed Initiative is subject to service establishment approval; if successful it will be added to the final budget:
- Foodlands Access Service
The public feedback period is now complete.