Recommended Projects

Each of the recommended projects will undergo further planning and evaluation prior to proceeding with detailed engineering design and construction. The recommended projects that make up the 30 year program of improvements are summarized below:
1. Goldstream Water Filtration Plant
Estimated Cost: $1.07 Billion
Estimated Completion Date: 2037
A single direct filtration plant located upstream of the Goldstream Disinfection Facility to better protect the Regional Water Supply from potential raw water quality fluctuations due to climate change, forest fires and the eventual integration of water from the Leech and Goldstream Water Supply Areas.
Includes a pump station, clearwell, balancing tank and the decommissioning of the Japan Gulch Dam and Reservoir.
Refer to sections T2/T4/M2 in Project Overview Map
Estimated Cost: $77.64 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2037
A transmission main to connect the proposed Filtration Plant with the Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Service.
Refer to section M12 in Project Overview Map
3. Smith Hill Tank and Pump Station
Estimated Cost: $41.75 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2039
A storage tank and associated pump station at the existing, decommissioned Smith Hill site to provide a number of benefits including emergency storage, balancing of instantaneous/peak demands, reduce the capacity required at treatment plants, reduce risk of transient pressure surges, reduce head losses and deferral of transmission main hydraulic upgrade.
Refer to sections M13/M14 in Project Overview Map
4. Deep Northern Intake- Floating Pump Station and Transmission Main to Head Tank
Estimated Cost: $135.41 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2033
A second intake and raw water transmission main pumped to the Head Tank to add redundancy to the existing single southern intake, allow access to deeper, high quality water and allow for further drawdown of the Sooke Lake Reservoir to increase supply.
Refer to sections S3/M3 in Project Overview Map
5. Third Main: SLD to Head Tank
Estimated Cost: $9.13 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2033
A third raw water main extending between the Sooke Lake Dam and the Head Tank to increase capacity, improve redundancy and ensure service continuation in the event of a natural disaster or failure.
Refer to sections M4 in Project Overview Map
6. Goldstream Reservoir Connector Including Stage 1 Balancing Tank
Estimated Cost: $89.82 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2033
A piped connection between Goldstream Lake Reservoir and the proposed Goldstream Treatment Plant to protect the water quality of the secondary water supply for use during emergencies, Kapoor Tunnel shut down, and eventually allow Kapoor Tunnel redundancy and increased raw water transmission capacity.
Refer to section M5/M6 in Project Overview Map
7. Jack Lake Raw Water Transmission Main
Estimated Cost: $284.96 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2039
A piped connection between the existing Head Tank and Goldstream Treatment Plant to provide redundancy to the Kapoor Tunnel for backup or emergency purposes and increased raw water transmission capacity.
Refer to section RWT5 in Project Overview Map and related Project Map
8. Leech River Diversion and Sooke Lake Saddle Dam Hydraulic Upgrades
Estimated Cost: $41.9 Million
Estimated Completion Date: 2045
An intake structure to divert Leech River water through the existing Leech Tunnel to Deception Gulch Reservoir as a supplemental source to Sooke Lake Reservoir.
Sooke Lake Saddle Dam and Deception Gulch Dam will both require upgrades in order to transfer water from Deception Gulch Reservoir to Sooke Lake Reservoir.
Refer to sections S4/RWT1/M1 in Project Overview Map
9. Treated Water Transmission Main Upgrades (Phases 1-4.2)
Estimated Cost: $295.42 Million
Project Timeline: 2027-2050, Annual Program
A variety of renewal and capacity-related transmission system upgrades throughout the Regional Water Supply (RWS) aligned into a $10M/year re-occurring annual program.
Refer to sections M7/ M8/ M9/ M10/ M11 in Project Overview Map
The public feedback period is now complete.